

Would you like to advance your own development or expand your quality control? With the help of our measurement systems, this is no problem! If you are interested in additional information or in purchasing a system for yourself, please contact us at info(at)

The following measurement systems can be purchased:

ZFW TIM Tester

Our in-house developed TIM tester enables the thermal characterization of a wide variety of materials, such as thermal interface pastes and pads, potting compounds, adhesives, adhesive tapes, IMS materials, etc. We measure:
  • Thermal resistance Rth or RthxA
  • Layer or sample thickness
  • Thermal conductivity λ 
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ZFW Multiparameter Teststand (MPT)

A further development of our TIM tester enables measurements of the thermal resistance under cyclic long-term temperature loads (power cycling)
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Vibration Tester (VT)

  • Investigation of the mechanical stress caused by high-frequency vibrations and the resulting change in thermal resistance
  • Tensile and compressive loads in the sub-micrometer range
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