Difference colorimetry (DSC)

Difference calorimetry (DSC)

Investigation of the spec. Heat capacity cp

With the difference calorimetry, the material to be examined is stored in a sealable container (crucible) in the measuring device and exposed to a flow of heat. In addition to this crucible including sample, an identical reference crucible without a sample is also subjected to the same heat flow. Due to the additional heat capacity of the sample material, there is a different behavior with regard to the reference crucible, which is expressed in a temperature difference. By integrating the temperature change, the enthalpy change can be measured and thereby the specific heat capacity of the sample material can be determined.

The course of the temperature-dependent curve can be used to assess whether or not phase transformation processes occur when the energy is supplied.

Our DSC conforms to the national and international standards ASTM C 351, -D 3417, -D 3418, -D 3895, -D 4565, -E 793 and -E 794 as well as DIN

51004, -51007, -53765, -65467, DIN EN 728 and ISO 10837, -11357, -11409.

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